The Book of Bible Problems


Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D.

Many today regard the Bible as a collection of myths, full of contradictions. This book analyzes difficult problem texts and allows the reader to discover simple principles which always yield a resolution.

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Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D.

Many today regard the Bible as a collection of myths, full of contradictions. This book analyzes difficult problem texts and allows the reader to discover simple principles which always yield a resolution.

265 pages, softcover

Dr. Bouw was born in Holland at the end of World War II. After seven years of embarrassing his family with questions about God, stars, and science, his family moved to Canada, running from the Russians. His interest in stars led to a degree in astrophysics from the Univesity of Rochester, NY, where he graduated an atheist.

By the time he earned his Ph.D. in astronomy from Case-Western Reserve University, he was a doubting atheist. His astronomical interests led him to Monterey, CA, where he learned that there was a Creator. He started reading the A.V. from cover to cover in 1974 and hasn’t stopped since. He was gloriously born again on January 26, 1975.

His reading of Scripture, combined with the knowledge of astronomy, showed him that Bible Believers had needlessly surrendered the authority of Scripture in the realm of science to the Humanists. He determined to teach believers that the Bible can be trusted 100%. With that call, he wrote this book, The Book of Bible Problems, which deals with supposed contradictions in Scripture, without turning to impossible “solutions” such as copyist errors. In other words, God meant what he wrote and wrote what he meant.