* KJV STUDY NO. 1 – 17
* Facts about King James 1 & 2
* God’s Preserved Words-King James Comparisons 1 & 2
* Modern-Day Attacks 1 & 2
* Similarities between United States and Israel 1 & 2
* The Bible and My Bride 1 & 2
* Repent and Return 1 & 2
* Do You Love the LORD 1 & 2
* Apocryphal Books 1 & 2
* The Offensiveness if the Cross 1 & 2
* The Witness History of the Text 1 – 3
* The Ground Rules 1 – 4
* What You Must Do 1 & 2
* Why They Change the Bible 1 & 2
* Carnal Preparation 1 & 2
* Post Trib Pre Wrath 1 – 4
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